Decidedly mundane…

Free Hotspots in Jakarta

An old friend from the BBS age, Mr. Harry Sufehmi, has compiled a list of Jakarta’s free hotspots. Here’s some of the sampling.

5. Mall – Plaza Senayan
Jl. Asia Afrika 8 Plaza Senayan Jakarta 10270

17. Plaza Semanggi. Lantai 1 dan lantai 2 dan Food court area
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Jakarta Selatan

22. Cafe Aksara Bookstore,
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.

from harry.sufehmi.com

Perhaps you can add to his list?

I never quite grasp the concept of connecting to those free hotspots. I have tried some of them for several times now but always failed to actually connect to the Web. I was connected to the WAN, all right, – the icon blinking and all that – but nothing happened. Everytime I type a URL, my browser returned one of those “host cannot be reached” messages. Am I supposed to pick up a user name and password somewhere? Any particular gateway website I must visit? Anyone able to enlighten me on this subject? *sigh*

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